02 9267 5634 mpgroup.info@gmail.com

1-Mar-25         STEP registration opens

4-May-25         STEP registration closes – late entries will not be accepted

4-Jun-25         Deadline to submit timetable variation request for STEP paper 2

9-Jun-25         Deadline to submit timetable variation request for STEP paper 3

11-Jun-25 STEP paper 2 test date

16-Jun-25 STEP paper 3 test date

14-Aug-25 STEP test results released

Please provid the following infomation when you send us email (admin@mptestcentre.com) for registration:

First Name

Last Name

UCAS ID: Can be provided later on

Date of Birth: Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format


Combination: Paper 2 or Paper 3 or Both

Institutions: Imperial College London / University of Cambridge / University of Warwick / Other

Proof of payment to following bank account

Account Name: MP Testing Services

BSB: 062010

Account Number: 10971629

Bank: CBA